About Charisma School

Charisma School is an innovative training academy with the goal of develop charisma and personal magnetism. This school features online courses and individual training. Our approach emphasizes the development of the necessary skills of personal magnetism, mind training and energy development in order to improve your charisma.

In other words, we believe that Charisma is something that comes from within and can’t be developed only using external techniques (like body language, presentation skills, communication and so on). Although those things can’t be neglected, they are not the main factors of charisma. So, using the knowledge of an ancient esoteric discipline, we train the mind, body and develop your internal energies.

Charisma School is designed to fully develop your inner power, expand your mind, develop your energy and be able to project personal qualities of magnetism and presence which gives you the ability to become magnetic, sexually attractive and fascinate everyone around you.
